Maternity Care and Child Health

Full pregnancy care is provided by the community midwifery team based in Tidworth.

If you discover you are pregnant you can book an appointment directly with the midwife but we do recommend that you make your first (booking) appointment between the 8th and 12th week of pregnancy.

Child Health

Health Visiting Team

To speak to a Health Visitor for advice, or to make an appointment please telephone the team direct on 0300 247 0090 option 1.

Every child under 5 will have a named Heath Visitor

Child Health Surveillance Checks

These are offered every two weeks by appointment with a GP. All new babies should be reviewed by a GP prior to the commencement of their childhood vaccination programme at 8 weeks.

It is also advisable for the birth mother to have a post-natal check 6-8 weeks post delivery. This can be a routine appointment with the GP.

Child Immunisations

Weekly, notification of appointments will be sent to you by the child health department at the hospital.