Appointments and moles! Catch up on our live Q&A from 4th December

Posted by: annamorton - Posted on:

Catcu up with Anna, our Managing Partner, and Dr. Edward Millar-Craig, regarding our appointment system and how we enhance our capacity to meet your needs. We highly value your suggestions.

Discover more about moles and skin lesions in our informative presentation featuring Dr. Millar-Craig, who will introduce our new mole clinic. Expand your knowledge on the various types of moles and skin lesions, learn which ones to be vigilant of, and become familiar with the ones that require our attention. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your understanding. Additionally, our presentation provides valuable tips on sun safety.

Please use this link to view our latest recorded Q&A session on:

January’s live Q&A: Meet Joe our First Contact Physio and an update on the shingles vaccine